Yan Ulvedro's Fort
Yan Ulvedro's Fort was built in the earliest days of the nation of Xopatl by the Arcadian hero-god Ulvedro to help defend the nation against its enemies. Located high in the Mildanesi Mountains, Yan Ulvedro's Fort was designed to protect Xopatl from the neighbouring Razatlan Empire and assisted on the few occasions when Xopatl was attacked. As the power of Razatlan waned, Yan Ulvedro's Fort gradually became more akin to a monastery, and pilgrims from both Xopatl and neighbouring Innazpa now visit the sages of Yan Ulvedro's Fort to seek wisdom and learn their unique mystical techniques. These sages can help travellers reach enlightenment by temporarily pulling their soul out of their body.1
- â âXopatlâ in Borne by the Sun's Grace, 67. Paizo Inc., 2019 .