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City of Flowers
Small city
5,500 humans; 700 beastkin; 500 halflings; 300 orcs; 200 dwarves; 200 wyrwoods; 150 dromaars; 290 others
Source: Borne by the Sun's Grace, pg(s). 67

Jolizpan is a city located in the extreme northwest of Xopatl, near Tumbaja Mountain, the nexus of Xopatl's Veins of Creation.1


Jolizpan lies in the northern part of the Jolizpan Forest in northwestern Xopatl, near the border with Razatlan, on the eastern bank of the Jolizpan River. The dangers of the forest inhibit travel, and the Jolizpan Docks on the river are the city's safest connection with the rest of the country.1

Due to Jolizpan's proximity to Tumbaja Mountain and the Veins of Creation, plants are an important part of the city, and are controlled by arcane botanists to form a self-sufficient settlement. Unique networks of plants draw water from the Jolizpan River and transport it to wells and reservoirs beneath the city, where everyone can easily access it. Contaminants are automatically filtered out (rendering sewers unnecessary) and sent to specific locations to be broken down by unique plants, while nutrients are drawn from the waste and used to feed the network or the city's gardens. A large canal surrounds Jolizpan, channelling water in and out of the city, and protecting it from monsters in the Jolizpan Forest.1

Jolizpan's buildings combine traditional Razatlani architecture with unique botanical foundations that allowed them to move as needed to accommodate the requirements of the Veins of Creation, maximising its output and minimising blockages or accidents. Since the Veins of Creation failed, the buildings lost their ability to move, and Jolizpan has remained in its current arrangement, divided into five districts: the Bloom, the Garden, the Grove, the Hive, and the Topiary.1


Each of Jolizpan's districts elects five volunteers to represent that district's interests on the city council. Small issues are handled in weekly council meetings, and every month, the city holds open forums for citizens to speak their opinions on important matters. The ultimate decision falls on the high councillors, elected by the volunteer councillors from their own ranks. They can retain their positions as long as they remain elected. The three current high councillors are Amircia Moldanos (representing the city's stability and security), Miraina Olviris (representing the city infrastructure) and Jesolis Olviris (representing the people).1

The Jolizpan City Guard, led by Amircia Moldanos, patrols the city for local crimes and keeps watch on monster activity in the Jolizpan Forest. Since the monsters' danger outpaced the criminals', the guard was stretched thin and decided to limit its activities within the city borders. Prisoners in Jolizpan are put to work and receive full wages, but only receive a portion of this wage during their sentence, with the rest given after their release.1


Many people never leave Jolizpan or the Jolizpan Forest for their entire lives, so most of the city's residents get along with others. Those that live near each other form tight-knit communities that support each other. Sometimes, they grow close to the point of freely moving through each other's homes. If a citizen feels themselves unwelcome in their community, many others come together to find them a better place.1

Jolizpan's economy is based around selling unique magic items, and many traders come or send shipments to the city in search of these wares. However, since the Veins of Creation shut down, production has greatly diminished, as local botanists were forced to rely upon smaller-scale ley lines.1

Many of Jolizpan's citizens make their homes just outside the city borders, travelling in and out as necessary. Since the loss of the Veins of Creation and the protection it provided, this lifestyle has become more dangerous and rarer; those few who still live on the city outskirts have earned a reputation as monster hunters, and are sometimes hired by the city guard.1


Paizo published a major section about Jolizpan in the "Xopatl Gazetteer" article in Borne by the Sun's Grace.

  1. ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 Luis Loza. “Xopatl” in Borne by the Sun's Grace, 68–73. Paizo Inc., 2019