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Veins of Creation

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The Veins of Creation were a network of living magical ley lines that underpinned the Arcadian nation of Xopatl. These ley lines were manipulated by Xopatl's unique arcane botanists who utilised them to create incredible artifacts, as they provided a practically limitless source of magical energy. The Veins of Creation also powered numerous lesser magical effects across Xopatl, from magical defences and forges to residential lighting. The heart of the Veins of Creation was the kumaru tree located within the pyramid of Tumbaja Mountain near the city of Jolizpan.1


The Veins of Creation played a pivotal part in Xopatl's history and prosperity until the start of the Age of Lost Omens. The Veins of Creation also intertwine with the history of Aroden, the now deceased god of humanity. In -1524 AR, a then-mortal Aroden arrived in Xopatl to study the Veins of Creation and the kumaru tree from which the Veins flowed. Despite spending years living in Jolizpan trying to earn the trust of the locals, Aroden was unable to gain access to the kumaru tree. It was not until he met Arazni, also still mortal at this time, and by assisting in her research Aroden was granted access to the tree.

Their research soon bore fruit, and they spent many years of serving Xopatl with their research, as well as helping to defend against an attack from the neighbouring Razatlani empire and personally slaying its leader Imictal and his legendary Army of Fire. They were eventually granted unrestricted access to the kumaru tree and while Arazni completed her research within a few years, Aroden remained. He placed a small fragment of his soul within the kumaru tree, which granted Aroden greater control over it and the Veins of Creation than anyone had ever had before him. He used this to grow a branch of the kumaru tree back in on itself multiple times, from which he eventually crafted the Shield of Aroden.1

Aroden's duplicitous fusing of his own soul with the sacred kumaru tree went unnoticed, and he left Arcadia shortly after this. The Veins of Creation continued to help Xopatl prosper for millennia afterward, and research into the Veins of Creation continued in and around the city of Jolizpan. In 4598 AR, botanists built a dedicated research centre at Tumbaja Mountain which they called the Blue Gardens of Tlil. However, none realised that the tree's incredible longevity was due to the fragment of Aroden's soul, who had since ascended to become a deity, that remained lodged within the tree.1

Aroden's death in 4606 AR caused the kumaru tree to instantly wither, which shut down the Veins of Creation and their magical powers. Despite over a century of research, the botanists of Xopatl have been unable to revive the kumaru tree. Instead, they have turned their research towards recreating a much smaller, less-powerful version of the Veins of Creation in select parts of Xopatl, an effort that has been quite successful in many ways.2


  1. ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Luis Loza. “Borne by the Sun's Grace” in Borne by the Sun's Grace, 3. Paizo Inc., 2019
  2. ↑ Luis Loza. “Borne by the Sun's Grace” in Borne by the Sun's Grace, 4. Paizo Inc., 2019