Manzinago Forest

From PathfinderWiki

The Manzinago Forest is a densely wooded coniferous forest in the south-western reaches of the Arcadian nation of Xopatl.1

The forest once provided vast amounts of timber to the nearby cities of Ñarula and Zilpatzi, helping them thrive. However, a terrible change dubbed by locals as the "Deepweave" has overtaken the forest, resulting in huge flesh-hungry plants roaming its depths and decimating the local animal population.2 An armed coalition led by Elegant Twining Pace seeks to contain the Deepweave.3


  1. ↑ Luis Loza. “Xopatl” in Borne by the Sun's Grace, 64. Paizo Inc., 2019
  2. ↑ Luis Loza. “Xopatl” in Borne by the Sun's Grace, 66. Paizo Inc., 2019
  3. ↑ Andrew Mullen. “Ecology of the Carnivorous Plants” in Gardens of Gallowspire, 66. Paizo Inc., 2019