Dunrock Prison

From PathfinderWiki

Dunrock Prison confines some of the most dangerous prisoners in the Inner Sea region and serves as a potent deterrent to any who would think of breaking one of Vyre's few laws.

Dunrock Prison is a stark gothic edifice atop Dunrock Island. It can house up to 300 prisoners but never gets near this capacity. As with so many other institutions in the City of Masks, the Dunrock Turnkeys, who run the prison, are secret worshippers of Norgorber in his aspect as the Skinsaw Man. The Dunrock Turnkeys are composed mostly of a mix of humans, dromaars, and jorogumos who secretly select prisoners to serve as sacrifices to their god. The Dunrock Turnkeys leader Delaraius Solzakarr runs the prison and is also secretly the King of Keys, one of the five rulers of Vyre. The deepest levels of Dunrock Prison are said to run beneath Keelwrack Harbor, and whispered rumours claim they have slipped beyond the control of the Dunrock Turnkeys and are now the domain of horrors even worse than the sadists running the rest of the prison. The Queen of Whispers, Simandu, supposedly has some influence over these mysterious monstrosities, but even she does not know the full extent of what horrors dwell in the darkest reaches of Dunrock Prison.1
