Talons of the Godclaw

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Talons of the Godclaw

Areas of Concern
Be an exemplar of divine order and balance, demonstrate the resilience of your faith by shielding others from chaos, instruct others who show promise in the ways of your order
Profess to understand law or order better than the pantheon, take no action when the presence of chaos has been revealed
Follower Alignments (2E)
Sanctification (2E)
Can choose holy or unholy
Domains (2E)
Duty, might, perfection, protection
Alternate: Tyranny, zeal
Favored Weapon
Five-pointed iron star
Source: Path of the Hellknight, pg(s). 22ff. (1E)
Divine Mysteries, pg(s). 93 (2E)
Lost Omens Gods & Magic 93 refers to the pantheon as the Godclaw and has significantly different membership, areas of concern, domains, and edicts and anathema. See Meta:Talons of the Godclaw.
See also: Order of the Godclaw

Talons of the Godclaw, also known as the Godclaw, is a pantheon worshipped by Hellknights of the Order of the Godclaw. The members of the pantheon are venerated as exemplars of law in opposition to chaos.12 The Order's depictions of the pantheon portray its deities as more severe and heavily armored than those by other worshippers.1 The entire Godclaw is represented as a five-pointed star, the same icon as the Order's symbol.12

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See the Meta page for additional sources.


See also: Category:Order of the Godclaw pantheon
Serves as the pantheon's lawkeeper.1
Represents mastery of strategy.1
Represents the Order's ideal of offensive combat.1
Represents mastery of discipline.1
Represents the Order's ideal of defensive combat.2

Torag represented the Order's ideal of defensive combat1 prior to the ascension of Uirch through the Crucible, which the orc passed with Torag's aid and endorsement. Uirch's addition to the pantheon also coincided with an increase in orc enlistment within the order. Despite this change, those who worship the pantheon's original incarnation still benefit from its divine powers.2


Every Hellknight in the Order of the Godclaw is a worshipper of the pantheon. Some might elevate one deity over the others, but all are expected to venerate the entire pantheon. Hellknights who become fanatics for a single member of the pantheon are unwelcome within the Order. Members of the Order of the Godclaw are aware of their unorthodox interpretations of the pantheon, but see the pantheon as a synthesis of the individual deities' dedication to order through eliminating disorder.1

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For additional as-yet unincorporated sources about this subject, see the Meta page.

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 Saif Ansari, et al. Hellknights of the Godclaw” in Disciple's Doctrine, 12. Paizo Inc., 2018
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Misha Bushyager, et al. Pantheons” in Divine Mysteries, 244–245. Paizo Inc., 2024