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Crown's End (until 4717 AR)
4717 AR—: Vidrian
—4717 AR: Sargava
Small town
—4717 AR: Ilina Ysande
Source: The Inner Sea World Guide, pg(s). 167 (1E)
The Mwangi Expanse, pg(s). 286 (2E)
This article covers the town in Vidrian. For the village in the Forest of Spirits, see Silvertree Village.

Silvertree is a small settlement in northwestern Vidrian. Under the rule of Sargava, it was known as Crown's End.1


Under Sargava

Not long after the first landing of Chelaxian settlers at Eleder, one group split from the main party to establish their own settlement on a bluff further north, along Desperation Bay.

The settlers befriended the local Ijo tribe and fought off attacks from hostile jungle life, and their new port became known as Crown's End. The port soon attracted smugglers, slavers, and pirates, driving out more honest trading. Many of its inhabitants as of 4711 AR had criminal pasts, but the town paid its taxes to the government of Sargava on time and tried to keep a low profile.

As of 4711 AR, it was ruled by Ilina Ysande, who took a dim view of those who draw outside attention to the town.2

Under Vidrian

After the Vidric Revolution of 47154717 AR, Crown's End renamed itself to Silvertree after the trees surrounding the settlement. Many of the town's criminals, especially those associated with slavery, smuggling, and piracy fled for the Shackles or other more welcoming venues, or went into hiding to avoid prosecution by the Vidric government. As of 4723 AR, the colonial-era administrator Ysande remained a resident of Silvertree.

The town had hoped to become a center of commerce under Vidrian, but the Vidric Council sought to turn the town into a base for its fledgling navy, and the Combined Mercantile Interests feared making Silvertree a commercial hub would empower the criminal element of the Briars.1


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