The town of Folarth is located in southern Nirmathas near the Deepcut River.1
Originally settled by dwarves as a outpost for Kraggodan soldiers joining the Shining Crusade, this town was originally named Folgrit's Hearth after the dwarven goddess, Folgrit. It evolved into a hospice for veterans of the crusade. The natural hot springs that the town contained became renowned for their curative qualities. 1
Recent history
As of 4717 AR, Folarth had come upon hard times; it had shed most of its population and could no longer maintain the baths that made it famous because of the Nesmian Plains' proximity to the hotly contested border with Molthune. The ornate golden structures that the dwarves originally built had crumbled. A few injured veterans seeking the power of the hot springs still traveled to Folarth, and it also sells its mineral water to Tamran.1
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 “The Nesmian Plains” in Trail of the Hunted, 67. Paizo Inc., 2017 .