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Small town
Druids; 600 humans, 250 aiuvarins, 150 gnomes, 50 elves, 50 dromaars, 82 other (including centaurs, gathlains, and ghorans)
Source: Lands of Conflict, pg(s). 25

Crystalhurst is a secretive town in the Southern Fangwood ruled by a circle of druids who make sure the homes and other structures of the town blend in with the natural landscape. The druids willingly help the Nirmathi repel Molthuni invaders,12 now that their previous central concern, the fight against the Darkblight, was ended with the fall of the debased fey ruler Arlantia in 4717 AR.3


The town is hidden inside the Southern Fangwood, about 15 miles north of the Marideth River. The small lake in the center of town has two small islands, one of which hosts the Gathering Hall. A stone-ringed clearing in the center of town is called The Unbroken, and curving roads spiral in and out of the town from the surrounding forest.2


Crystalhurst is governed by a council of druids who guard the town from outside knowledge, deter visitors they deem unworthy, and aid Nirmathas in its war against Molthune mostly because they believe Molthune will harvest the forest.2 They have recently allied themselves with the fey queen Gendowyn and her Accressiel Court, as the two share the desire to remove leftover pockets of the Darkblight from the Fangwood.3


The town's druids, including council Archdruid Aspen Zora, are researching a cure to the Darkblight that still affects pockets of the Fangwood. Hallkeeper Ceroneth keeps the town's records and the Gathering Hall. Druids are welcome regardless of their race or ethnicity, making Crystalhurst one of Nirmathas's most diverse towns.23


Paizo published a detailed map of Crystalhurst on page 24 of Lands of Conflict.

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