Gray Spiders

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Gray Spiders

Thieves' guild
Baccus (deceased)
Lorelu (deceased)
Control local criminal activity
Local (Kintargo)
Source: Turn of the Torrent, pg(s). 36–37

The Gray Spiders were a thieves' guild active in Kintargo until 4675 AR, when they were effectively destroyed in a retaliatory raid by the Hellknight Order of the Torrent. The Spiders' final guildmasters were Baccus and Lorelu, both killed in the raid, and Hei-Fen, who survived and escaped but fled Kintargo. Its surface headquarters in the Lucky Bones were also destroyed in the raid.1

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Hei-Fen survived the raid and escaped, later becoming a full-time Skinsaw Cultist of Norgorber after her escape, and as of 4715 AR had settled into a life of semi-retirement in Vyre.2

Since 4715 AR and as of 4719 AR, Lady Mialari Docur has been concerned that elements of the re-established Silver Ravens might also try to re-establish the Gray Spiders, and she has actively worked against any such perceived efforts to do so.34


  1. ↑ Mike Shel. “Turn of the Torrent” in Turn of the Torrent, 36–37. Paizo Inc., 2015
  2. ↑ James Jacobs. “A Song of Silver” in A Song of Silver, 20–21. Paizo Inc., 2015
  3. ↑ Richard Pett. “Dance of the Damned” in Dance of the Damned, 6. Paizo Inc., 2015
  4. ↑ Lyz Liddell & Ron Lundeen. “Adventure Toolbox” in Tomorrow Must Burn, 88. Paizo Inc., 2019