Lucky Bones
For centuries, Lucky Bones was a notorious gambling house and drug den sat in the heart of Old Kintargo, but it was burned down in a raid by Hellknights of the Order of the Torrent. Unbeknownst to most, Lucky Bones had long served as a legitimate front for the notorious Gray Spiders guild which operated out of the basement below it.1
Under Chelaxian rule
The Gray Spiders ran an abduction and slavery ring linked with the Cult of Norgorber. When this was discovered by the Order of the Torrent, the Gray Spiders responded by assassinating the order's founder Lictor Reya Naulvaneti, which in turn provoked the raid that burned Lucky Bones to the ground.2
The upper portions of Lucky Bones have never been rebuilt, but the basements remained intact and were inhabited as of 4715 AR, when they were mostly controlled by Kintargo's small cult of Mahathallah, led by the changeling cleric Luculla Gens, owner of the nearby Sweet Tooth.1 They upper dungeons were haunted by the ghost of the Gray Spiders' prior leader Guildmistress Lorelu, as well as the wretchghost spirits of some of the drug addicts she exploited.34
Below this were the flooded smugglers' tunnels used by the Gray Spiders to secretly transport their terrible cargo and run their people-smuggling ring. As of 4715 AR, these tunnels were under the control of a tribe of ulat-kinis led by an enchanter named Ungol-Pagh who served the alghollthu master necromancer Menotheguro.5 They brought with them several types of guardian creatures, including devilfish,6 reefclaws,7 and shell sentinels.8
The Lucky Bones also had a large shrine dedicated to two separate deities of deception. When under the control of the Gray Spiders, the shrine was dedicated to Norgorber, but with the arrival of Luculla Gens the shrine was rededicated to the Queen of the Night Mahathallah.2
Under rule of Ravounel
The ruins were an important part of the events of the Ruby Massacre in 4716 AR, which eventually led to the liberation of Kintargo and Ravounel from Cheliaxianm rule. The Silver Council ordered all entrances to the basement levels sealed, and as of 4724 AR the surface lot remained empty.9
- â 1.0 1.1 âKintargoâ in In Hell's Bright Shadow, 66. Paizo Inc., 2015 .
- â 2.0 2.1 âTurn of the Torrentâ in Turn of the Torrent, 37. Paizo Inc., 2015 .
- â âTurn of the Torrentâ in Turn of the Torrent, 47. Paizo Inc., 2015 .
- â âTurn of the Torrentâ in Turn of the Torrent, 48. Paizo Inc., 2015 .
- â âTurn of the Torrentâ in Turn of the Torrent, 52. Paizo Inc., 2015 .
- â âTurn of the Torrentâ in Turn of the Torrent, 57. Paizo Inc., 2015 .
- â âTurn of the Torrentâ in Turn of the Torrent, 56. Paizo Inc., 2015 .
- â âTurn of the Torrentâ in Turn of the Torrent, 54. Paizo Inc., 2015 .
- â âMap: Kintargoâ in Curtain Call Player's Guide, 22. Paizo Inc., 2024 .