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The Heart of the City

From PathfinderWiki
Pathfinder Society Scenario #6-16: The Heart of the City
Cover Image
Book - Pathfinder Society (2E) scenario

The Heart of the City, a Pathfinder Society scenario written by Rue Dickey for tier 5–8, is expected to be released on May 28, 2025.

This scenario has been announced but has not yet been released.
Product details such as release date, authors, cover art, and contents are subject to change.

Word from a missing Pathfinder agent makes its way to Decemvirate leadership, revealing that Hesla Embersplitter has not only staffed her manor home with cultists of the deceased demon lord, Deskari, but that she's also received an ominously large shipment from an unknown shipping merchant recently. Unable to convince the High Council of Absalom of Hesla's ill intentions, they turn to their agents to look into what's happening at Ember Manor in the Eastgate District and determine what this ancient artifact is and what she could be planning. Once inside the manor, agents quickly learn that the object is what remains of demonic corpse, protected by Hesla's fanatical Cult of the Screaming Grub!

Content note: This scenario contains themes of cults, body horror, and childhood trauma. Before you begin, understand that player consent (including that of the Game Master) is vital to a safe and fun play experience for everyone. You should talk with your players before beginning the adventure and modify descriptions of the narrative as appropriate.

Scenario overview


This is the fourth scenario in the Immortal Influence metaplot arc:

  1. #6-01 Year of Immortal Influence
  2. #6-04 An Enkindled Carnival
  3. #6-14 Twice in Steel
  4. #6-16 The Heart of the City
  5. #6-19 What Walks Again
  6. #6-20 The Overthrow of Ambition

Recurring characters, concepts, and locations

The following characters, concepts, or locations can be found in this scenario, but also significantly appear in the publications listed below:

Map support

The following map products are used in this scenario: