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What Walks Again

From PathfinderWiki
Pathfinder Society Scenario #6-19: What Walks Again
Cover Image
Book - Pathfinder Society (2E) scenario

What Walks Again, a Pathfinder Society scenario written by Scott D. Young for tier 11–14, is expected to be released on June 25, 2025.

This scenario has been announced but has not yet been released.
Product details such as release date, authors, cover art, and contents are subject to change.

Strange earthquakes have been rocking the small town of Pimatsih in Sarkoris, and it seems to coincide with the arrival of Hesla Embersplitter and her newest acquisition: Riftcarver, the scythe that once wielded by Deskari, the demon lord who ripped open the Worldwound. As the PCs arrive to investigate and help secure the town, a demonic incursion begins, and they must work to help bring the Sarkorians together to keep the town and its inhabitants safe. However, lurking behind the horde, the Split Ember has made the Lord of Locusts walk again and he turns his hungry gaze and maw toward the Pathfinders.

Scenario overview


This is the fifth scenario in the Immortal Influence metaplot arc:

  1. #6-01 Year of Immortal Influence
  2. #6-04 An Enkindled Carnival
  3. #6-14 Twice in Steel
  4. #6-16 The Heart of the City
  5. #6-19 What Walks Again
  6. #6-20 The Overthrow of Ambition

Recurring characters, concepts, and locations

The following characters, concepts, or locations can be found in this scenario, but also significantly appear in the publications listed below:

Map support

The following map products are used in this scenario: