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This article contains spoilers for the following products: Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Season 6

Year of Immortal Influence

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Cover logo for this season's scenarios.
Artwork featuring Lady Hesla Embersplitter.
This article covers the sixth season of the Pathfinder Society Organized Play campaign for Pathfinder Second Edition. For the sixth season using the Pathfinder First Edition rules, also designated "Season 6", see Season 6 summary.

Season 6 of the Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild campaign for Pathfinder Second Edition runs from August 2024 to July 2025. The season is referred to as the Year of Immortal Influence.

Metaplot and ongoing plots overview

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Season 6 releases

The following adventures have been announced as part of PF2 Season 6 but could change upon release.

This table can be sorted by scenario number, title, level tier, metaplot arc, venture-captain assigning the mission, faction metaplot, location, or country.

PFS# Title Tier Metaplot/Notes Venture-Captain Faction Location Country
6-00 Salt of the Ocean 1–8 Exclusive, Repeatable, Glyph Eye of Abendego
6-01 Year of Immortal Influence 1–4 Metaplot (Immortal Influence), Repeatable Csilla Absalom Absalom
6-02 Rain Falls on the Mountain of Sea and Sky 1–4 Godsrain Kukuha Mukai Kayajima Minkai
6-03 Godsrain in a Godless Land 5–8 Repeatable, Godsrain Obo Manaket Rahadoum
6-04 Enkindled CarnivalAn Enkindled Carnival 3–6 Metaplot (Immortal Influence) Urwal, Eando Kline Verdant Wheel, Vigilant Seal Puddles Absalom
6-05 Silver Bark, Golden Blades 1–4 Repeatable Amara Li Silvertree (Minkai) Forest of Spirits
6-06 Rotten Apples 3–6 None; Anemone leading Radiant Oath, Verdant Wheel Compost Watch, Fangwood Nirmathas
6-07 God Falls Where Magic FailsA God Falls Where Magic Fails 7–10 Godsrain Sebnet Sanserkoht Mana Wastes
6-08 Upon Wheels and Rime 1–4 All ages Bjersig Torrsen Hoarwood Forest Irrisen
6-09 Power of LegendsThe Power of Legends1 9–12 Godsrain, Glyph, Mythic
6-10 Once in Whispers 5–8 Crushed Meteor Numeria
6-11 Godsrain and the Dragon, TheThe Godsrain and the Dragon 7–10 Godsrain
6-12 Burning of Greensteeples, TheThe Burning of Greensteeples 3–6 Envoy's Alliance, Radiant Oath Greensteeples Manor, Egorian Cheliax
6-13 All That Glitters 1–4
6-14 Twice in Steel 7–10 Metaplot (Immortal Influence) Radiant Oath, Vigilant Seal Deskari's Gullet Sarkoris Scar
6-15 Lost and Forgotten 5–8 Eras the Needle Grand Archive Azlant
6-16 The Heart of the City 5–8 Metaplot (Immortal Influence) Eastgate Absalom
6-17 The Devil in the Details 7–10 Godsrain Cheliax
6-18 Symposium on a Fallen God 3–6 Godsrain Taldor
6-19 What Walks Again 11–14 Metaplot (Immortal Influence), Glyph Vigilant Seal Pimatsih Sarkoris Scar
6-20 Overthrow of AmbitionThe Overthrow of Ambition 9–12 Metaplot (Immortal Influence), Glyph Zarta Dralneen Radiant Oath, Vigilant Seal Absalom Absalom


  1. Paizo renamed this scenario from "Of Myths and Legends" on December 18, 2024.