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Vaneo Arvanxi

From PathfinderWiki

Vaneo Arvanxi was a vast estate in the Rego Sacero of Westcrown that as of 4709 AR served as the home of Lord-Mayor Aberian Arvanxi, into which he had poured such immense wealth that it had earned the local nickname of Aberian's Folly.1


The manor served as the venue for Arvanxi's many fetes and feasts which also add justification for the estate's nickname. In 4705 AR, Arvanxi caused a local outrage when he began openly supporting the idea of binding powerful fiends for his own amusement. While he ceased speaking of this openly, he nevertheless used a bound nessari as a source of power for the estate.1

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It was destroyed in 4709 AR by an explosion of five columns of hellfire caused by a pit fiend bound to an infernal engine in order to power his estate. Arvanxi went missing in the aftermath, having sneaked out of town soon after the explosion, which left the city without a lord-mayor.2 The destruction revealed a sprawling dungeon known as the Nessian Spiral.3


  1. 1.0 1.1 Steven Schend. Westcrown” in The Bastards of Erebus, 59. Paizo Inc., 2009
  2. This refers to the events of The Infernal Syndrome, which are presumed to be canon per Hell Comes to Westcrown 2.
  3. Clinton Boomer & James Jacobs. “The Infernal Syndrome” in The Infernal Syndrome, 7. Paizo Inc., 2010