Gonville Chard

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Gonville Chard

Source: Hell Comes to Westcrown, pg(s). 19

Paralictor Gonville Chard is the official commander of the Taranik House in Westcrown and a paralictor of the Hellknight Order of the Rack.15

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  1. 1.0 1.1 Steven Schend. Westcrown” in The Bastards of Erebus, 58. Paizo Inc., 2009
  2. Ron Lundeen. “Hell Comes to Westcrown” in Hell Comes to Westcrown, 19. Paizo Inc., 2016
  3. Chard's alignment might have changed between The Bastards of Erebus (set in 4709 AR) and Hell Comes to Westcrown (set in 47154716 AR), but Hell Comes to Westcrown does not explicitly state this. See Talk:Gonville Chard.
  4. Paizo described Chelaxians as a separate human ethnicity until Pathfinder Second Edition, when they were retroactively redesignated as being of Taldan descent. See Meta:Chelaxian (human ethnicity).
  5. Jonathan H. Keith, et al. Egorian, City of Thorns” in Cheliax, Empire of Devils, 17. Paizo Inc., 2009