
From PathfinderWiki

Xills are alien, plane-shifting marauders from the Ethereal Plane who ravage everything in their path for one singular purpose: reproduction.1


A xill is a four-armed humanoid with spiny, bright red skin. Xills resemble a mix between human, reptile, and insect, possessing fanged mandibles and a scaled hide.1


All xills are female, and they fertilize their own eggs, but they require a host body to incubate their eggs before they hatch. For this reason, they use their poisoned mandibles to paralyze their victims and implant eggs in their bodies with an ovipositor usually kept retracted behind their jaws. Xills particularly favor phase spiders as incubators.1

Xills have the ability to shift between the Ethereal Plane and Universe at will, though moving from the Universe to the Ethereal is more difficult and time-consuming than the reverse.1

Habitat and society

Xills inhabit the gray mists of the Ethereal Plane. They are highly intelligent, with a repressive, militaristic culture. Due to their need to reproduce, they are driven toward conquest, constantly seeking new incubators for their eggs.1 Xills often find themselves in conflict with the more powerful night hags,2 and are in a state of eternal war with the phase spiders, their favored source of incubators.3 Xills and destrachans are mortal enemies.4

On Golarion


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  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Paizo Inc., et al. “Monsters A to Z” in Bestiary, 283. Paizo Inc., 2009
  2. Amber Stewart. “The Inner Sphere” in The Great Beyond, A Guide to the Multiverse, 14. Paizo Inc., 2009
  3. Colin McComb, et al. Adherer” in Misfit Monsters Redeemed, 7. Paizo Inc., 2010
  4. James L. Sutter, et al. Seven Swords of Sin, 25. Paizo Inc., 2007
  5. F. Wesley Schneider. “Legendary Artifacts” in Artifacts & Legends, 51. Paizo Inc., 2012
  6. James Jacobs, et al. “Regions of the Dragon Empires” in Dragon Empires Gazetteer, 40. Paizo Inc., 2011
  7. This might refer to the Dark Brood, which was retroactively changed to be a colony of zecuis in Tian Xia World Guide 236–237 and Monster Core 355.
  8. F. Wesley Schneider. “Legends and Hauntings” in Rule of Fear, 60. Paizo Inc., 2011
  9. Carlos Cabrera. Hashim ibn Sayyid” in Legends, 50–51. Paizo Inc., 2020