Cradle of Flames

From PathfinderWiki

The Cradle of Flames is the realm of the fiery demigoddess Feronia and serves as her home on the Plane of Fire. The Cradle of Flames sits atop an absolutely colossal dais of polished obsidian that floats amid a column of pure flame. This dais itself is surprisingly free of fire and is actually home to its own unique wildlife, including rabbit-like creatures with tails made of dancing flame and a community of fire veela who worship Feronia with unerring devotion.1

Feronia dwells amongst the highest reaches of the towers the dot the Cradle of Flames, along with her divine children. As a goddess of fertility, Feronia has had numerous children with a variety of other god-like entities. Her most famous child is probably the empyreal lord Ragathiel, who lived in the Cradle of Flames after Feronia's amicable split from the archdevil Dispater. Feronia is very protective of her home and children and only ever visits with her lovers outside of the Cradle of Flames. Even when Feronia is away, the Cradle of Flames is far from defenseless. It is guarded by a quartet of powerful phoenixes as well as Feronia's herald, the flaming beast known as the Guardian Blaze.1


  1. 1.0 1.1 John Compton, et al. Plane of Fire” in Planes of Power, 34. Paizo Inc., 2016