Azure Empire

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Azure Empire

Source: Rage of Elements, pg(s). 113

The Azure Empire was a once-great munsahir empire that spanned across most of the Elemental Plane of Fire, but fell after a great betrayal. As of 4723 AR, it seemed poised to rise again.1


The Azure Empire once spread across much of the Plane of Fire, but its holdings were slowly eroded after millennia of warfare with the plane's other inhabitants. In the modern era, the Azure Empire's holdings consist only of the city of Emberkeep, but it looks set to expand.1


The Azure Empire is ruled by All-Father Verdesz, also known as "The Jade Hegemon", a munsahir wreathed in vibrant green flames. The Jade Hegemon also once ruled the ancient, nameless empire of elementals that once held dominion over the region now known as the Valashmai Jungle in Tian Xia on Golarion.123


The history of the Azure Empire is inexorably linked with that of the munsahirs, who are its primary inhabitants. The munashirs and Azure Empire once dominated vast reaches of the Plane of Fire, their titanic iron fortresses dominating the regions surrounding them. In this ancient era, the Azure Empire came into conflict with ifrits and the Dominion of Flame, and one by one their iron cities were conquered or destroyed, their empire receding until only Emberkeep remained.

In their desperation, the munashir forged an alliance with the fire scamps of the Ninefold Matriarch of Holy Sublimation. It remains hotly debated who orchestrated the betrayal that followed, but it resulted in the Ninefold Matriarch taking control of Emberkeep and spelling the end of the Azure Empire. The scamps used the subjugated munashirs as sacrificial armies to fend off the Dominion of Flame, and it was whispered that their service was part of a deal that bound the munashirs to the Ninefold Matriarch of Holy Sublimation for 66,666 years.1

As of 4723 AR, this vast span of years had recently expired, and with it the Azure Empire seemed poise to rise again. Munsahirs had retaken Emberkeep at the same time as the Elemental Plane of Metal reemerged into the Multiverse, and munashirs have since flocked to the banner of All-Father Verdesz from across the Plane of Fire and the Multiverse beyond.4


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Logan Bonner, et al. “Fire” in Rage of Elements, 113. Paizo Inc., 2023
  2. Eren Ahn, et al. “History” in Tian Xia World Guide, 7. Paizo Inc., 2024
  3. Eren Ahn, et al. Valash Raj and the Valashmai Jungle” in Tian Xia World Guide, 233–234. Paizo Inc., 2024
  4. Logan Bonner, et al. “Fire” in Rage of Elements, 115. Paizo Inc., 2023