
From PathfinderWiki

Source: Planes of Power, pg(s). 34

Aralidae is a unique nation in the heart of Ophianos, also knowno as the Obsidian Plains, and is home to the strange creatures known as the obsidian spiders.1


Aralidae is located at the centre of Ophianos and composed of the same obsidian as the plains surrounding it, but here the obsidian takes on fantastical forms, stretching into webs of stained glass and tree-like formations.

Ophianos itself is a black mirror of pure obsidian hundreds of miles long, and while the obsidian spiders which lurk beneath its surface would logically deter visitors, many are supernaturally drawn to it nonetheless.1


Aralidae is ruled by an ancient creature called Ydiliyn, an obsidian spider believed to have fused itself with the glass forest in the center of Aralidae.1


Aralidae is mostly inhabited by obsidian spiders, whose bodies seem to be formed of the same obsidian that makes up Ophianos itself. Rather than eight legs as is typical for spiders, obsidian spiders have ten, and their faces are distinctly avian rather than arthropodic. The obsidian spiders are distinctly predatory but intelligent connoisseurs of the arts with their own unique culture.1


While the obsidian spiders of Aralidae are unapologetic predators, they also possess a refined love of all things artistic. Visitors who have sufficiently interesting artistic talents are treated as honoured guests rather than prey. The obsidian spiders adore every form of artistic expression and pamper those whose art captures their interest. Even should this interest later decline, the obsidian spiders release the artist unharmed, recognizing the creator's underlying talent even if it fails to hold their interest any longer.

Despite their isolation, the spiders of Aralidae receive a steady stream of visitors due to some supernatural song that draws those who hear it near. The obsidian spiders claim they do not possess or use such a magical lure.1
