Impossible Lands

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An interactive map of the Impossible Lands.
This article covers the microregion of Golarion. For the Pathfinder Lost Omens sourcebook, see Impossible Lands (sourcebook).

The Impossible Lands is a term collectively referring to a microregion comprising of the Mana Wastes (including Alkenstar), and the nations of Geb, Nex, Bhopan, and Jalmeray located both on and off the eastern coast of the continent of Garund.1 They are named as such due to their fantastical nature and are dominated by their two most powerful nations, Geb and Nex. Their founders, the two wizard-kings Geb and Nex, waged a centuries-long arcane war that scarred the land itself. Unlike in most other parts of Golarion, knowledge of magic and alchemy is commonplace, even among ordinary citizens.2


The recently revitalized Monastery of Unbreaking Waves of Wavebreak Haven, located off the coast of Jalmeray.

The independent kingdoms within Garund's fabled Impossible Lands boast a rich and ancient history that stretches back for millennia. Even in the present day, the region's resplendent cities, awe-inspiring monuments, and mystical achievements bear the imprint of a bygone era when wonders were commonplace, and mythical creatures roamed alongside heroes destined for greatness. In a time long before recorded history, the vast empire of the cyclopes reigned supreme over this land, leaving behind monumental ruins and expansive causeways that hint at a grandeur rarely witnessed in the present age.2

Following the cataclysmic event of Earthfall, which brought about the downfall of the cyclopean empire and reduced its once-proud inhabitants to scattered bands of survivors, the god-kings of Osirion dispatched their armies to establish cities and colonies amidst the remnants of this ancient civilization. The pharaonic legions of Osirion not only put an end to older human empires like the Jistka Imperium and the Tekritanin League along Garund's northwestern coast but also exerted control over many of the peoples scattered along the continent's eastern shores. Through either pacification or subjugation, the pharaohs greatly expanded the borders of their kingdom, assimilating the conquered lands into their dominion.2

However, as the eons passed, the power of Osirion gradually waned, and the weakened pharaohs severed all ties with their distant colonies, leaving these nations to develop as independent kingdoms in their own right. Over the course of centuries, these kingdoms forged their own destinies, shaped by their unique cultures, customs, and aspirations, while retaining remnants of the ancient legacies and influences from their Osirian roots.2

The annals of the Impossible Lands have been shaped by the dominance of two mighty nations, both named after their immortal wizard-king founders: Geb and Nex. These powerful kingdoms clashed in a cataclysmic arcane war that spanned millennia, leaving an indelible mark on the continent itself. The most visible testament to their destructive conflict is the twisted expanse that lies between them—a desolate wasteland known as the Mana Wastes. This scarred landscape bears the remnants of magic's corruption, with warped terrain and ravaging arcane storms that haunt the region.2

Recent history

Quantium, the capital city of Nex.
A procession of the dead in Mechitar, capital of Geb.

Within the Mana Wastes, the legacy of this ancient war is evident in the abominable creatures born from Nex's Fleshforges and the countless legions of undead that populate the realm of Geb. The people who find themselves caught in the wake of these warring kingdoms are burdened with the weight of their hubris. The memory of a time when freedom from the tyrannical rule of Nex and Geb was a reality now seems more like a fable than historical fact.2

The people of the Impossible Lands endure the lingering consequences of this prolonged conflict. They navigate the perils of a land tainted by the unchecked ambitions of these two mages, forever haunted by the dark shadows of their past.2

Amidst their tumultuous history, the realms of Nex, Geb, Jalmeray, and the city-state of Alkenstar proudly stand as some of the most formidable and wondrous nations in the vast expanse of the Inner Sea region. Nex, revered as one of Golarion's most influential and mighty archmages, epitomizes the essence of the Impossible Lands. Throughout his immortal existence, he has seized control of city-states like Quantium, Ecanus, and Oenopion, adorning them with arcane ingenuity and awe-inspiring architectural marvels.2

In stark contrast, the ancient ghost necromancer Geb presides over a cosmopolitan and prosperous nation. Despite its potential to be hailed as one of Garund's wealthiest and most promising kingdoms, the majority of its populace willingly embraced undeath, becoming monstrous undead creatures bound to Geb's nefarious designs for all eternity. Meanwhile, the lush island of Jalmeray, situated off the coast, serves as a gateway to western Casmaron, offering a cultural tapestry from distant Vudra right at the doorstep of the Inner Sea. Monks from all corners of the world flock to this island refuge to refine their bodies and minds, following ancient esoteric traditions imparted by otherworldly spirits.2

Aligned with their predecessors, Nex and Geb, these stalwart nations endeavor to transcend the boundaries of the ordinary world through relentless dedication and awe-inspiring creations. Such a monumental task finds its rightful home in the enigmatic realm of the Impossible Lands, where ambition knows no bounds.2


The enduring conflict between the immortal wizard-kings Nex and Geb, which spanned over a thousand years, eventually reached a state of détente many centuries ago. As a result, both nations have fortified their positions, making it an uphill climb for any external force to challenge their might. Consequently, the Impossible Lands currently enjoy respite from internal warfare. Although the residents of Nex, Jalmeray, and Alkenstar maintain a cautious distance from Geb, they maintain amicable relations with each other, ensuring a relatively peaceful environment within the region.3


Crowds throng in a busy market in Niswan, Jalmeray.

The most common peoples in the Impossible Lands are humans of Garundi, Keleshite, Mwangi, and Vudrani extraction, in addition to dwarves and gnomes. Popular languages include Common, Dwarven, Gnomish, Kelesh, Mwangi, Necril, Osiriani, and Vudrani, while the most frequent deities worshipped include Abadar, Irori, Nethys, Torag, Urgathoa, and Zon-Kuthon.4


  1. Rigby Bendele, et al. “What People Know” in Travel Guide, 73. Paizo Inc., 2022
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 Erik Mona, et al. Impossible Lands” in World Guide, 74. Paizo Inc., 2019
  3. Erik Mona, et al. Impossible Lands” in World Guide, 79. Paizo Inc., 2019
  4. Erik Mona, et al. Impossible Lands” in World Guide, 72. Paizo Inc., 2019