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Large city
4710 AR: 11,340
4710 AR: 11,200 humans (10,500 Mwangi, 700 colonials), 140 other
4710 AR: Overlord
Source: Sargava, The Lost Colony, pg(s). 15f. (1E)
The Mwangi Expanse, pg(s). 287 (2E)

Umnyango, known as Kalabuto during colonial times, is the largest settlement in Vidrian.1 It is a crumbling city built by Mwangi tribesmen in the pre-colonial era, and the overwhelming majority of the inhabitants are Mwangi who, until 4717 AR, were ruled over by a minority of Sargavan colonialists. It was the main target for the anti-colonial sentiments of the Mwangi city of Mzali to the east, and in time Mwangi both inside and outside of Umnyango united to expel the Sargavans from the city.2


Kalabuto was initially inhabited only by the Kalabuta tribe, but was discovered by Chelaxian explorers in 4140 AR. It was established as a permanent colonial settlement in 4150 AR, but attempts to forcibly convert natives to the worship of Aroden, among other slights, led to native rebellions in 4152 AR and 4217 AR. These revolts were put down by Chelaxian troops, but the conversion efforts were ended.3 After a string of guerrilla attacks against the Sargavan border patrol from 4678 AR onwards, the city was sacked by the forces of Mzali in 4684 AR, 4690 AR, and 4702 AR.4

After the native peoples overthrew the colonists and established the new nation of Vidrian, Kalabuto was renamed Umnyango.5


See also: Category:Umnyango/Inhabitants

Most of Umnyango's population is native Mwangi, with Kalabuta being the dominant tribe. During colonial times, Kalabuta were integrated into the city's military all the way to the top, with Kalabuta Commander Ursel occupying the position of Praetor within the militia. The minority of colonials that lived in Kalabuto held most of the power and had a strong sense of racial superiority; the former governor, General Alban, was openly racist.6

The numerous invasions from Mzali have led to the growth of belief in Walkena, as survivors returned with tales of a mummy rising to thwart them. Walkena's followers believe that these events in Mzali were a precursor to Vidrian's own revolution. Although Walkena's cult remains small, kept in check by Vidric freedom fighters and those who fled Mzali out of fear of his retribution, those few believers are fanatical and seek to spread their faith by any means necessary.5


The city is surrounded by pineapple fields and date palm orchards. It is located atop a low hill overlooking the River of Lost Tears. The city appears overgrown by the jungle. Many shanties and warehouses line the riverbank.7

Sites of interest

See also: Category:Umnyango/Locations

There was a Pathfinder lodge in the city, but it was recently closed, during the colonial period, in the face of native unrest.8 However, the new Vidric government is allowing the Pathfinder Society to re-establish this lodge, albeit reluctantly, since the people fear that these outsiders will try to exploit the Mwangi Expanse again; nevertheless, some see the value of foolhardy adventurers in combatting the dangers lurking in the jungle.5

  • Fort Kalabuto: Fort Kalabuto is a military stronghold built in a ruined temple; it was General Alban's home and headquarters. It is regarded as the most defensible position in the entire city.9
  • The Ruins: A number of ruined buildings in Kalabuto are only the tip of much larger underground complexes, generally referred to as the Ruins. Strange creatures, such as talking monkeys and skeletal lizardfolk, are rumored to dwell in the ruins.9 It is within one of the ruins of a temple that a Varisian monk named Altori teaches his discipline to a number of students.10
  • The First Colonial Bank of Sargava:11 the bank's fate under Vidric rule is unknown.


  1. James Jacobs, et al. Sargava” in The Inner Sea World Guide, 166. Paizo Inc., 2011
  2. James Jacobs, et al. Sargava” in The Inner Sea World Guide, 168. Paizo Inc., 2011
  3. JD Wiker & Sean K Reynolds. Sargava, the Lost Colony” in Sargava, The Lost Colony, 5. Paizo Inc., 2010
  4. JD Wiker & Sean K Reynolds. Sargava, the Lost Colony” in Sargava, The Lost Colony, 6. Paizo Inc., 2010
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Laura-Shay Adams, et al. Vidrian” in The Mwangi Expanse, 287. Paizo Inc., 2021
  6. JD Wiker & Sean K Reynolds. “Settlements of Sargava” in Sargava, The Lost Colony, 15–16. Paizo Inc., 2010
  7. Tim Hitchcock. “Racing to Ruin” in Racing to Ruin, 31. Paizo Inc., 2010
  8. Tim Hitchcock, et al. “Welcome to the Pathfinder Society” in Seekers of Secrets, 12. Paizo Inc., 2009
  9. 9.0 9.1 JD Wiker & Sean K Reynolds. “Settlements of Sargava” in Sargava, The Lost Colony, 16. Paizo Inc., 2010
  10. JD Wiker & Sean K Reynolds. Sargava, the Lost Colony” in Sargava, The Lost Colony, 11. Paizo Inc., 2010
  11. Robert Brookes, et al. First Colonial Bank of Sargava” in Inner Sea Temples, 25. Paizo Inc., 2016