Rajani family
The Rajani family is one of the most influential families of Otari, descended from the town's co-founder and Roseguard Vol Rajani—the namesake of Rajani's Street.1 Vol relocated to Absalom after she was exiled from Nidal despite her status as royalty, explaining the family's Nidalese heritage.2 Today, Carman Rajani is Vol's last living descendant. His life has been on a downward spiral ever since his parents were murdered by bandits on the road from Absalom.3
Carman works as a smith at Blades for Glades during the day, and engages in crime during the night as a member of the Osprey Club. However, his true ambition is to live up to his legendary ancestor Vol, and prove the Rajani family are still equals of the Menhemes family by taking the title of mayor away from Oseph Menhemes.4
Little does Carman know, a devil named Urevian has been trapped in the Abomination Vaults for centuries due to his contract with Belcorra Haruvex—offering her aid in exchange for the soul of a Rajani. For reasons even unknown to Urevian himself, some members of Hell find the Rajani family especially valuable.2
- â âOtari Gazetteerâ in Ruins of Gauntlight, 65–66. Paizo Inc., 2021 .
- â 2.0 2.1 âHands of the Devilâ in Hands of the Devil, 42. Paizo Inc., 2021 .
- â âAdventure Toolboxâ in Hands of the Devil, 86. Paizo Inc., 2021 .
- â âAdventure Toolboxâ in Hands of the Devil, 86–87. Paizo Inc., 2021 .