Veena Heliu

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Veena Heliu

Vigil, Lastwall (formerly)
Source: Cities of Golarion, pg(s). 48 (1E)
Knights of Lastwall, pg(s). 49 (2E)

Veena Heliu is a dynamic, fire-haired sorcerer who served as the last Precentor Martial for Magic and lead instructor of arcane magic at the Crusader War College in Vigil1 before its destruction in 4719 AR. Afterward, she continued to serve as the Knights of Lastwall's lead instructor of arcane magic tactics.2

Veena is a nonconformist aiuvarin woman, aggressive in both war and her personal affairs. Many in the crusade adore her and even in love with her, referring to her as "Our Lady", a title usually reserved for Iomedae herself.12

Veena Heliu claims her sorcerer powers come from a draconic bloodline and has tried to convince the other Precentors Martial that forging an alliance with dragons would help their mission.3

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  1. 1.0 1.1 Jason Nelson. Vigil” in Cities of Golarion, 48. Paizo Inc., 2009
  2. 2.0 2.1 Jessica Catalan, et al. “Chapter 2: Among the Knights” in Knights of Lastwall, 49. Paizo Inc., 2022
  3. Jason Nelson. Vigil” in Cities of Golarion, 52. Paizo Inc., 2009