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City of Thorns (Kyonin)

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City of Thorns

Published maps conflict on the positions of the City of Thorns, Endless Cairn, and Wandering Spheres relative to one another. See Talk:Endless Cairn/Conflicts.

The City of Thorns is a partially ruined and forgotten city in Kyonin hidden beneath a dome of tree-sized thorned brambles that was in turn obscured by powerful illusion magic.1

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The City of Thorns is located in the Fierani Forest, southwest of Iadara and north2 of the Endless Cairn.3 Its location is obscured by illusion magic,1 and attempts by sentient beings to breach the dome seemingly turn potential intruders away.4

Within the half-mile-wide dome, the city's architecture resembles that of Iadara, with slender spired buildings whose alabaster had taken on a yellowed hue over time. Its damaged buildings were overgrown with and reinforced by megaflora.5

At the dome's center is a round plaza about 300 feet in diameter surrounded by six hexagonal plinths6 comprising an aiudara.7 The east end of the city includes a temple district and hills supporting manor houses and an amphitheater.1 To the northwest is a mage district.6


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Dave Gross. Queen of Thorns, 190–191. Paizo Inc., 2012
  2. Published maps conflict on the positions of the City of Thorns, Endless Cairn, and Wandering Spheres relative to one another. See Talk:Endless Cairn/Conflicts.
  3. Dave Gross. Queen of Thorns, 8. Paizo Inc., 2012
  4. Dave Gross. Queen of Thorns, 192–193. Paizo Inc., 2012
  5. Dave Gross. Queen of Thorns, 190. Paizo Inc., 2012
  6. 6.0 6.1 Dave Gross. Queen of Thorns, 294. Paizo Inc., 2012
  7. Dave Gross. Queen of Thorns, 374–375. Paizo Inc., 2012