Endless Cairn

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Published maps conflict on the relative positions of the City of Thorns, Endless Cairn, and Wandering Spheres. See Talk:Endless Cairn/Conflicts.

The Endless Cairn is an ancient elven mausoleum located in the southern Fierani Forest of Kyonin near the border with the Tanglebriar.1


Most elves prefer to be buried in natural surroundings, such as being mummified in a bog or interred in a still forest beneath a small sapling. Because death among elves is such a long-expected, if inevitable, event, others prefer to elevate their death by being laid to rest in a stone tomb where others can remember them for all eternity. The Endless Cairn is the most well-known of these mausoleums.

The cairn is a squat, circular tower in a swamp in the southern Fierani, and contains many famous and well-respected elves who have fallen to war, disease, or old age. It remains perpetually unfinished; as the structure slowly sinks into the surrounding swamp, new stories are built upon the old whenever they are needed, and are connected to the lower levels by passages or shafts.

The Endless Cairn is known to be quite ancient, as it is mentioned in documents that predate Earthfall, and no one is sure exactly how many bodies lie perfectly preserved beneath the mire.1

Known interred

  • Lanliss Morgethai: His epitaph reads "His Blood Restores the Land", a common obituary for those who died retaking Kyonin from the forces of Treerazer after the elves' return from Sovyrian.2
