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Large town
Primarily elf
Source: The Inner Sea World Guide, pg(s). 94 (1E)
Whispers in the Dirt, pg(s). 72–73 (2E)

The elven town of Riverspire is located on the Kyonin River in the southwest of the country. It grew from a single family, and the majority of its inhabitants today are still distantly related to one another.1


The settlement of Riverspire started out as nothing more than a single stone tower housing an elven family known as the Morgethai's. Surprisingly, the family proved fecund and a population explosion resulted in the need to expand their structures. Children worked alongside great-grandparents to expand the tower and its outbuildings until the simple ivy-coated spire evolved into a proper town.

It became normal for elves marrying into the family to move into the compound themselves, often bringing members of their own clans with them. Over the centuries, the settlement became a bustling community, of which roughly two-thirds are related somehow to the original Morgethai family.1

Noted inhabitants

The alchemist Damiel Morgethai was born in Riverspire.2
