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Source: The Inner Sea World Guide, pg(s). 9 (1E)
The Secret of Deathstalk Tower (2E), pg(s). 43–44 (2E)

The ruins of the city of Shevaroth, once one of Kyonin's most populous pre-Earthfall cities, are located on the plains southeast of the Fierani Forest. Abandoned by the elves fleeing Earthfall to Castrovel, Shevaroth fell under the dominion of the nascent demon lord Treerazer in 2633 AR,1 and as of 4725 AR it had not been retaken.234


Before the impact of Earthfall, Shevaroth was one of the most populous cities of Kyonin. When they left for their refuge of Sovyrian in -5293 AR, they vacated the city, and it remained largely empty for nearly 7,000 years.21

The demon lord Treerazer was exiled to Golarion in 2497 AR, and soon after he attempted to corrupt the Sovyrian Stone in 2632 AR, he and his minions quickly conquered the city and converted it into his new base.1

However, the elves also returned in 2632 AR to defend Kyonin, and while they attempted to retake the city numerous times, as of 4725 AR they had been persistently incapable of dislodging the demons.21

Reconquest of Shevaroth

The elves of Kyonin have made several attempts to reclaim Shevaroth. In 3050 AR, a force of Calistrians attempted to reclaim the city but disappeared during the unsuccessful assault.1

As of 4712 AR, discussions were ongoing in Kyonin about whether to attempt another attack on Shevaroth. Some in the temple of Calistria in Iadara desired that it happen soon, while others (including Queen Edasseril) counseled caution.4


Shevaroth is the domain of demons and vengeful ghosts who wander the streets of the slowly decaying city.23

Notable locations

Deathstalk Tower

The only building still permanently occupied in Shevaroth is the former Cathedral of Calistria, once Calistria's largest temple in the Inner Sea region.23 The temple had been twisted by Treerazer's corruption into a massive unholy deathstalk mushroom in 2633 AR, and it remained vacant for centuries as a trophy of Treerazer's conquest of the Tanglebriar.5

As of 4725 AR, it was ruled over by a fungus tyrant known as the Spore Queen, a recent arrival who had displaced a boggard cult of Rovagug6 that had previously occupied its central tower since 4633 AR.17


Paizo set part of the Spore War Pathfinder Adventure Path adventure The Secret of Deathstalk Tower in Shevaroth.

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 James Jacobs. “Campaign Overview” in Whispers in the Dirt, 4. Paizo Inc., 2025
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 James Jacobs, et al. Kyonin” in The Inner Sea World Guide, 97. Paizo Inc., 2011
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 James L. Sutter. Kyonin” in A Memory of Darkness, 54. Paizo Inc., 2009
  4. 4.0 4.1 Dave Gross. Queen of Thorns, 263. Paizo Inc., 2012
  5. James Jacobs. “Chapter 3: Spores of Sin” in The Secret of Deathstalk Tower, 59. Paizo Inc., 2025
  6. James Jacobs. “Chapter 3: Spores of Sin” in The Secret of Deathstalk Tower, 47. Paizo Inc., 2025
  7. The Inner Sea World Guide and A Memory of Darkness assert that the cult of Rovagug had claimed the tower and its dungeons, and does not describe the cult as boggards. The Secret of Deathstalk Tower expands and updates the canon status of the tower for that adventure.