
From PathfinderWiki
Vortex Maw

Source: Aquatic Adventures, pg(s). 40 (1E)
Monsters of Myth, pg(s). 38 (2E)

Shbloon, the Vortex Maw is a kaiju responsible for creating numerous whirlpools in the Valashmai Sea.12


Shbloon is said to look like a slimy, pale cuttlefish with about a hundred tentacles.2 Others report seeing a spined sea creature with traits of both a lobster and whale at the center of a whirlpool, sized larger than any galleon with red chitin mottled with yellow spots.1


Rumours suggest that Shbloon's tentacles can create a whirlpool that lasts years, posing a threat to ships and sea beasts alike and deterring most intelligent sea creatures from the region to avoid becoming Shbloon's prey. Kaiju scholars often debate the cause of several whirlpools in the region, with theories suggesting they might be traps, or that each might be created by separate creatures like Shbloon. Others suggest that Shbloon has multiple mouths; since each such whirlpool can be a mile apart, this theory suggests Shbloon might be the largest known kaiju.2


An ancient ship of Nagajor rose to the Valashmai Sea's surface in 7220 IC, which led to rumours of treasure troves in Shbloon's stomach. A century ago, one of its whirlpools trapped a pleasure cruise fleet carrying many young nobles. Only one ship managed to return with all the important guests, except a princess of Lung Wa who tried and failed to retrieve her royal seal made of jade. While these seals no longer hold any legal authority, they are still valuable items sought after by collectors.2


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