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Dragon Eater

Source: Ready? Fight!, pg(s). 69
For other meanings of "Devourer", please see Devourer (disambiguation).

Igroon, the Dragon Eater12 and known among dragons as simply the Devourer, is a kaiju infamous for its unwavering pursuit of dragons.2


Igroon is a towering saurian covered in thousands of tessellating chitinous plates, each as big as a galleon's sail, that gleam blindingly in the sun, and are made of an unidentified, unnaturally durable material12 that can harmlessly deflect magical and elemental effects. Igroon's numerous eyes are spread seemingly randomly on its face and continually shift in positions and electric blue hues.2 A powerful shield, also known as an Scale of Igroon, can be fashioned from its scales.1

Despite its size, Igroon moves effortlessly and with a graceful yet eerie precision, traits that have generated speculation that it is a construct. Reputable sources suggest that Igroon's scales can bend light to camouflage itself,12 while others posit that its form is indeterminate, compressible, and can be reconfigured at will. All agree that both theories might be true, and that the result would be terrible.2


When eating, Igroon unhinges its body to reveal its hidden maw of metal plates on its underbelly. The kaiju feeds not only on the bodies of dragons but also on their hoards of treasure, which is theorized to help Igroon replenish its metallic scales. Igroon also weakens natural disasters in a miles-wide radius, seemingly absorbing the energy for its own purpose; it has been observed inhaling volcanic ash and exhaling clean air, and creating vortices of clear weather in the middle of thunderstorms.2

Igroon can amplify these abilities, and when it does those in nearby settlements become light-headed as soundwaves in the air are dampened. When Igroon rattles its scales, the resulting sound can rupture the organs of nearby creatures or cause their bodies to explode.2

In addition to dragons, powerful elemental phenomena can also attract Igroon. These include the opening of portals to Elemental Planes or a powerful elemental creature traveling to Golarion. Igroon otherwise slumbers for decades after it is satisfied, long enough for settlements to form in its massive shadow.2


For the humanoids of Shenmen, where Igroon lives among its tallest mountains, the kaiju is regarded as a blessing or curse depending on which dragon drew it to the vicinity. When a town is terrorised by an underworld or forest dragon, a peasant might use an object bearing the dragon's scent or scales to attract Igroon.2

In dragon-ruled Xa Hoi, Igroon is an existential threat. All dragons in Tian Xia know of Igroon, and most give it a wide berth2 as its reputation for hunting dragons strikes fear into the hearts of all dragonkind.1


  1. ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Michael Sayre, et al. “Gamemaster's Trove” in Treasure Vault, 180. Paizo Inc., 2023
  2. ↑ 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 Joshua Kim. “Rise of the Kaiju” in Ready? Fight!, 69. Paizo Inc., 2021