Stavian II

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Stavian II

Grand Prince
Source: Taldor, Echoes of Glory, pg(s). 4

Grand Prince Stavian II was the ruler of Taldor in the 45th and 46th centuries AR. His reign was weakened by attempting to appease the squabbles among the royalty, senatorial classes, and wealthy nobles. He was succeeded by his son, Stavian III.23


Stavian was father to two children, Carrius I and later Stavian III, though he favoured the eldest son. An influenza outbreak in 4664 AR claimed the life of Carrius, leaving the Grand Prince devastated and unwilling to mourn for the loss of his heir. The tragedy moved the Taldan public, especially when resurrection attempts failed, but damaged the relationship between Stavian II and his surviving son further. The two ultimately made amends just before the Grand Prince's death, after which Stavian III ascended to the throne.4

Disputed bloodline

During the War for the Crown in 4718 AR, agents of Stavian II's granddaughter Eutropia Stavian linked High Strategos Maxillar Pythareus to a false-flag plot stoking war with Qadira and discredited him.5 In response, agents of Pythareus published records indicating that Stavian II's ancestor, Grand Prince Stavian I, was an illegitimate heir born of the disgraced House Adella. This in turn invalidated the Stavians' bloodline claim to the crown. The records were subsequently confirmed by multiple academics.6


  1. Revelations in the War for the Crown Pathfinder Adventure Path draw the concept of a Taldan noble house of Stavian into doubt, and only one canon work refers to it by this name. See Meta:House Stavian.
  2. Joshua J. Frost. Taldor, Empire in Decline” in Taldor, Echoes of Glory, 4. Paizo Inc., 2009
  3. Inner Sea Intrigue p. 5 refers to Shadow Schools serving Stavian II in the present tense, but this is likely a typo that should refer to Stavian III.
  4. Thurston Hillman. “NPC Gallery” in Crownfall, 56. Paizo Inc., 2018
  5. This refers to the events of City in the Lion's Eye, which are presumed to be canon by subsequent events being made canon.
  6. John Compton. “The Reaper's Right Hand” in The Reaper's Right Hand, 6. Paizo Inc., 2018