Iomedaean priest Jesca Malvaney stages a coup of Lastwall's capital city, Vigil, that would become known as the Whiteblade War. The conflict results in armed battles within the congregation and fires around the city. It is memorialized every 10 years afterward through the Whiteblade Festival.12
The heroine Sulunai saves the nation of Tianjing, uniting the empyrean5 population against bandit attacks and hostile surrounding nations.6
Demonicnecromancers attempt to transform the bodies of the honored dead at the bottom of Pulura's Fall into undead. The attempt fails as their risen creations attack them instead.78
âPaizo referred to empyrean planar scions as aasimars until the publication of Player Core. These empyreans are unrelated to the type of angel with the same name.