
From PathfinderWiki

Small town
Predominately gnome
Source: Dark Markets: A Guide to Katapesh, pg(s). 14–15

Near the center of Katapesh, the small gnome town of Finderplain provides temporary home for travelers exploring the area.1

Finderplain has stood 300 years as a way-point for gnomes traveling south of the Inner Sea.2 It holds almost 2,000 residents, but the constant influx and departure means that the number could change completely every few years. Families rarely establish permanent homes in Finderplain; the lure of adventure and desert beckons, and the gnomes move on, leaving their houses empty for the next travelers. The transitory nature of the gnomes means that no individual consistently rules over Finderplain. The current ruler is a gnome bard named Wexlis Bean.3


Paizo set part of the Against the Scarlet Triad adventure in the Age of Ashes Pathfinder Adventure Path in Finderplain, which includes a map of the town.

  1. Brian Cortijo, et al. “Katapesh” in Legacy of Fire Player's Guide, 17. Paizo Inc., 2009
  2. Stephen S. Greer & Amber E. Scott. “Land of Adventure” in Dark Markets, A Guide to Katapesh, 15. Paizo Inc., 2009
  3. Stephen S. Greer & Amber E. Scott. “Land of Adventure” in Dark Markets, A Guide to Katapesh, 14–15. Paizo Inc., 2009