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Small town
Source: Irrisen, Land of Eternal Winter, pg(s). 39–40

Iarna is a small town on the Marbleflow River in the Irriseni province of Wintercrux. The town is a popular destination for Jadwiga and rich foreign merchants because of its famous hot springs. There are three resorts catering to the aristocracy as well as expensive restaurants and two grand theaters.1

The hot springs began bubbling up some 200 years ago and are thought to have magical and medicinal powers although nothing has been proven. Hundreds of ageing or sick Jadwiga bathe in the hot springs every year. The truth is that a trapped and insane magma elemental heats Iarna's springs. The elemental was summoned by druids of the Heralds of Summer's Return 200 years ago but was captured and bound by Iarna's baroness at the time. As of 4713 AR, the ruler of Iarna was Baroness Iracetta, who knew the truth but preferred not to damage the town's businesses. The ageing Iracetta was a strong advertiser of the springs' therapeutic qualities.1

Jazdya Vacalav, captain of Iarna's town guard, often fights fire and magma scamps2 who are attracted by the insane elemental.1


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Mike Shel. Irrisen” in Irrisen, Land of Eternal Winter, 39–40. Paizo Inc., 2013
  2. Paizo referred to elemental scamps as mephits until the publication of the Pathfinder Second Edition Bestiary, and began solely referring to them as scamps in Rage of Elements. See Bestiary pg. 150, Rage of Elements pg. 3, and Pathfinder Core Preview pgs. 2, 13. Their appearance also changed from small humanoids to small bat-like creatures.