Naldak's Point

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Naldak's Point

Source: From Under Ice, pg(s). 3

Naldak's Point is an abandoned dwarven town near Dalun in Irrisen.1

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The town was founded around 1600 AR by King Gutheran's youngest son, Naldak, after he and others fled Jormurdun. The dwarves traded their creations with the nearby Ulfen people, and lived in Naldak's Point until 3313 AR, when the armies of Baba Yaga invaded the lands that would later form the kingdom of Irrisen.

At that time, the Tian sorceress Hao Jin approached the dwarves and offered them shelter from the invasion. They refused at first, but Hao Jin returned every night with the same offer. On the fourth night, when the armies of Baba Yaga massed on the horizon, the dwarves finally accepted Hao Jin's offer. The sorceress transported them to her personal demiplane, the Hao Jin Tapestry.1


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