Skrata is a small town on the Rimeflow River, in the westernmost Irriseni province called the Verge that acts as a waystation of goods shipped to the capital of Whitethrone from the north, through the Iceflow River, and as a supply depot for the army. Skrata's docks are always busy, and its warehouses are full with goods destined for the army or the Rimeflow route.1
As of 4713 AR, Baroness Slavena was the town's ruler. She was not interested in running the town, leaving the task to her subordinates and her Jadwiga husband Ivan Betyrina. Slavena was also the paramour of Duke Arvanoff. She cuckolds her husband, believing herself to be discreet, but everybody in town knows of her immoral relationship with the duke.1
The fates of Slavena, Betyrina, and Arvanoff after the removal of Queen Elvanna by Baba Yaga and subsequent installation of Queen Anastasia in 4713 AR is unknown.
Notable inhabitants
- See also: Category:Skrata/Inhabitants
As of 4713 AR, three prominent members of the Heralds of Summer's Return were stationed in Skrata: dockworker Cherni Oslonovich, blacksmith Left-Arm Karastov, and apothecary Sanzina Rodoc. They focused on methods of interrupting the transport of goods south to Vasterborg and Irrisen's armies.1
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 “Irrisen” in Irrisen, Land of Eternal Winter, 35–36. Paizo Inc., 2013 .