Jaathoom Empire

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Jaathoom Empire
Djinni Empire
Jaathoom Empire

Source: Planes of Power, pg(s). 12 (1E)

The Jaathoom Empire, also known as the Djinni Empire,1 covers the majority of the Plane of Air, making the empire's jaathooms its undisputed masters. The empire is ruled by Sultan Zafer XXXVIII, Lord of the Heavens and All the Stars of the Mortal Void2 from his spectacular Sussuran Palace in the Jaathoom Empire's capital city Armun Kelisk.3 He rules through a network of loyal jaathoom shuyookhs who each have their own regions with their own capital cities at the heart of each. The Jaathoom Empire focuses on acquiring lore and wisdom, at least as much as physical trade goods, both for its intrinsic value to their culture as well as for its trade value to others. The Jaathoom Empire is home not only to jaathooms but also many other creatures, including wandering tribes of janns, various elemental scamps,2 and the mysterious elementals known as phades4.5

The jaathooms and their empire claim to have always ruled the Plane of Air but some believe that this is not true. Rumour and whispers claim that once jaathooms fought some ancient rival for rulership over the plane, some claim these foes were another extraplanar race, while others say it was against a pantheon of gods. Most agree that whomever these rivals were they had something to do with the mysterious bronze and steel spheres that dot the plane and that the jaathooms refuse to go anywhere near.2


  1. ↑ Paizo referred to jaathooms as djinn until the publication of Rage of Elements. See Rage of Elements pg. 3 and Pathfinder Core Preview pg. 2.
  2. ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 John Compton, et al. β€œPlane of Air” in Planes of Power, 12. Paizo Inc., 2016
  3. ↑ John Compton, et al. β€œPlane of Air” in Planes of Power, 18. Paizo Inc., 2016
  4. ↑ Paizo referred to phades as invisible stalkers until the publication of Monster Core.
  5. ↑ John Compton, et al. β€œPlane of Air” in Planes of Power, 13. Paizo Inc., 2016