
From PathfinderWiki

Source: The Worldwound, pg(s). 10-13

Riftshadow is a region of the Sarkoris Scar that follows the flow of the Sarkora and West Sarkora Rivers (except for where the Sarkora flows through Frostmire Fen, which is considered part of Frostmire).1


Before the opening of the Worldwound in 4706 AR, the Sarkora River was a heavily traveled main trade route in the realm of Sarkoris. It still runs along the Northmounds plateau's southern and western cliffs, forming what was once the most heavily populated region of Sarkoris. The formerly heavily traveled waterway passed by the cities of Storasta, Raliscrad, and Undarin, along with dozens of smaller towns and villages.2

During the century the region was occupied by countless demons, Riftshadow was a nightmare of ruins and demonic horrors. The abandoned city of Storasta is located at the southern edge of the region, while Undarin, the city once controlled half-fiend witch Areelu Vorlesh, is located at the northern edge. Countless demons walked Riftshadow's riverside roads, plied the tainted waters of the Sarkora River on demonic barges, and flew in the skies above.2

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  1. James Jacobs, et al. The Worldwound, inside front cover. Paizo Inc., 2013
  2. 2.0 2.1 James Jacobs, et al. “Chapter One: Worldwound Gazetteer” in The Worldwound, 10. Paizo Inc., 2013