
From PathfinderWiki

4717 AR: Vacant
4709 AR: Small town
4717 AR: None
4709 AR: 280
Source: Qadira, Jewel of the East, pg(s). 41

The settlement of Hatavit was a small lumber camp located in Qadira, north of the Southern Tapur Forest. Designed to house slaves who harvest the bounty of the nearby forest, the town was also a post for woodworkers and carvers.1

As of 4717 AR, and as early as 4709 AR, various accounts suggested that Hatavit had recently been hit by an unseasonable sandstorm.23 This storm either destroyed its watchtowers, allowing its slaves to escape into the forest,2 or it had destroyed the camp altogether and forced all of its inhabitants into the northern woods. Rumors also suggested that the sandstorm was a magical event designed to free the camp's slaves.3 In any telling, the camp's inhabitants have not been heard from since.23


  1. Brian Cortijo. “Preview” in Qadira, Gateway to the East, 41. Paizo Inc., 2009
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Brian Cortijo. Qadira” in Qadira, Gateway to the East, 11. Paizo Inc., 2009
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Jessica Price. “Adventuring in Qadira” in Qadira, Jewel of the East, 41. Paizo Inc., 2017