Jezonna Oasis

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Jezonna Oasis

Source: Ice Tomb of the Giant Queen, pg(s). 70

Jezonna Oasis, or sometimes just Jezonna, is an oasis town located in the Meraz Desert of Qadira and is a rare source of both water and safety. It is headquarters to the Amellas al-Hekbah, an organization of desert giants granted imperial Kelesh citizenship as thanks for ensuring the safety of travellers crossing the Meraz Desert.1

Jezonna Oasis has several encampments of desert giant tribes spread between the oasis' three lakes, which are known as the Three Wisdoms. The most prominent of these tribes is led by Janar Malakra, who also leads the Amellas al-Hekbah's mercenary organization.1


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  1. 1.0 1.1 Jessica Price. “Adventuring in Qadira” in Qadira, Jewel of the East, 39. Paizo Inc., 2017