Kuruban Swamp
Kuruban Swamp is a line of heavily wooded islands in Vudra's Open Bridge region that was not fully connected to the mainland when the Obari Ocean receded in 4606 AR. Instead, the upheaval created a semi-sunken mangrove swamp. Unlike the rest of Open Bridge, which is infested with hordes of horrific aberrations, Kuruban Swamp is controlled by sedacthys1 who ruthlessly protect its borders. The sedacthys seem to be searching amongst the ancient ruins that dot the swamp, but no one knows for what.2
- â Paizo referred to sedachtys as sahuagins and sea devils until the publication of Monster Core.
- â âVudra, the Impossible Kingdomsâ in Sixty Feet Under, 73. Paizo Inc., 2020 .