Sona Lake

From PathfinderWiki

Sona Lake sits at the end of the Kalyan River in the Vudran region of Golden Basin. Tiny particles of gold are carried down the Kalyan River and settle on the bottom of Sona Lake that give the lake an incredible golden glow when the light is just right.1 The capital city of Vudra, Indapatta, lies on the north-eastern coast of the lake.23


  1. ↑ Saif Ansari. “Vudra, the Impossible Kingdoms” in Sixty Feet Under, 72. Paizo Inc., 2020
  2. ↑ Saif Ansari. “Vudra, the Impossible Kingdoms” in Sixty Feet Under, 68. Paizo Inc., 2020 Assumed from the map on p. 62 and the text about the Kalyan River and Sona Lake on p. 72.
  3. ↑ Saif Ansari. “Vudra, the Impossible Kingdoms” in Sixty Feet Under, 72. Paizo Inc., 2020 Assumed from the map on p. 62 and the text about the Kalyan River and Sona Lake on p. 72.