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- Feisal (viewpoint)
- Isiem (viewpoint)
- Parsellon Alterras (viewpoint)
- Abrogail Thrune II (mentioned)
- Amrael
- Ascaros
- Atan
- Barseno
- Bedic
- Belero
- Black Triune
- Paralictor Cerallius
- Chastain (mentioned)
- Chellarael of Nisroch (mentioned)
- Chorai
- Cuvandos the Shadow-Sighted (mentioned)
- Dirakah
- Ederras Celverian (mentioned)
- Edovan
- Paralictor Erevullo
- Helis
- Iskarioth
- Lamion
- Lascia (mentioned)
- Loran
- Luswick
- Lyrael? (pseudonym)
- Mirenna
- Odarro
- Oreseis
- Perahni
- Posie (mentioned)
- Quiet Wings
- Quilli Brightburst
- Red Chest
- Serevil
- Sorvus
- Suryan
- Thantos
- Theron
- Uskonos
- Velenne
- Vicarius Giordano Torchia
- Zenobai
- Avistan
- Azlant (mentioned)
- Blackridge
- Cheliax
- Citadel Enferac
- Ciricskree, the Screeching Spire (mentioned)
- Crackspike: Desert Rose, Long-Bottomed Lady
- Crosspine
- Devil's Perch
- Dusk Hall
- Egorian (mentioned)
- Geb (mentioned)
- Golarion (mentioned)
- Isger (mentioned)
- Janderhoff (mentioned)
- Katheer (mentioned)
- Korvosa (mentioned)
- Menador Mountains
- Mendev (mentioned)
- Nantambu (mentioned)
- Nidal
- Nisroch (mentioned)
- Oppara (mentioned)
- Pangolais
- Pezzack (mentioned)
- Shadow Plane
- Sorvus's Strike
- Taldor (mentioned)
- Thassilon (mentioned)
- Tian Xia (mentioned)
- Tokarai Springs
- Uskwood
- Westcrown (mentioned)
- Windspire
- Whisper Creek (mentioned)
- bone devil (mentioned)
- demons
- devil
- dragon (mentioned)
- drake (mentioned)
- Joyful Things
- strix
- vampires (mentioned)
- unnamed mosquito-like parasites of Uskwood used as needles and syringes to create scryspheres
- devilstongue relay
- nightglass
- scrysphere
- tears of the night (mentioned)
- 4606 AR (mentioned)
- Age of Legend (mentioned)
- Age of Lost Omens (mentioned)
- Aroden (mentioned)
- Asmodeus (mentioned)
- Belial (mentioned)
- Bleaching
- clerics
- coins: crowns, sails (mentioned)
- Day of Salvation (mentioned)
- Desna
- diabolism
- druids (mentioned)
- Earthfall (mentioned)
- Festival of Night's Return
- great tortures: Crystal Chimes, Needled Choir, Veil of Whispers
- half-orc (mentioned)
- Hellknights
- Hellknight ranks: vicarius, lictor, signifer, paralictor
- House Henderthane (mentioned)
- House Thrune (mentioned)
- Iomedae (mentioned)
- Joymaking (mentioned)
- Midnight Guard
- Necromancy
- Order of the Gate
- paladins (mentioned)
- Pathfinders
- Sarenrae (mentioned)
- scrolls
- Shelyn (mentioned)
- slavery
- sorcerers
- Umbral Court (mentioned)
- Umbral Leaves (mentioned)
- wizards
- Zon-Kuthon