Menador Mountains

From PathfinderWiki
For other meanings of "Menador", please see Menador (disambiguation).

The Menador Mountains are one of the most prominent mountain ranges in southwestern Avistan. The range stretches westward from northern Isger, forms the southern borders of Molthune, Nidal, and Ravounel, and traverses Cheliax until they end at the Pillars of Anferita and the Arcadian Ocean.1


The mountains carry snow at their peaks year‑round but avalanches are a constant risk at lower altitudes due to partially melted snow. Some paths through the mountains do exist but even these are far from safe and often effectively one way due to cold weather hazards.2


These mountains are infested with orcs, most notably the Severed Hand tribe. These orcs have traditionally menaced the region from western Cheliax all the way to the dwarven cities of the Five Kings Mountains.3 Another known tribe is the Shattered Fang, a group known both for their ferocity and their propensity for keeping oaths.4

Places of interest


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