Temple of the Endless Step

From PathfinderWiki

The Temple of the Endless Step is a non-denominational monastery located atop the Storval Rise in the Varisian city of Kaer Maga.

Founded by the philosopher-monk Yen Hazai, it is located in the Cavalcade district, on the outer edge of the city walls. A highly ascetic order, the monks of worship no deity, but instead believe in purification of the body through the mortification of the flesh. To this end they engage not only in rigorous martial training and meditation, but also in self-flagellation. This has led students to be referred to as Brothers of the Lash, a name which the monks now use themselves.

Because of their mortification practices, outsiders sometimes mistake the brothers for worshipers of Zon-Kuthon, or Skin Artists from the Oriat district. This greatly upsets the monks, as they see their flagellation as a path to enlightenment, not as worship of a god or the pursuit of artistic expression. Even though their conservative opinions on this subject have led them to be unpopular in the Cavalcade district, they are not unwelcoming to newcomers seeking true spiritual growth.

Monks of the temple who believe they have achieved true enlightenment sometimes seek to emulate their founder, Yen Hazai. It is recorded that Hazai voluntarily stepped out of a window overlooking the Rise and simply touched the edge of the cliff as he fell to slow his descent. Many have tried to duplicate his feat, but none so far has succeeded.1


  1. James L. Sutter. “The City” in City of Strangers, 14–15. Paizo Inc., 2010