Great Seal (Oriat)

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Great Seal

Source: City of Strangers, pg(s). 54
For another meaning of "Great Seal", please see Great Seal.

The Great Seal is a circular, frieze-ringed, smooth vertical stone surface located beneath Oriat, a district of Kaer Maga in Varisia. Despite being seemingly polished to a mirror's smoothness, its surface reflects nothing. The Brothers of the Seal, an monastic order, has long defended the seal and constructed the Shrine of the Seal around it, though none remember the details or purpose of their vigil.

As of 4710 AR and 4712 AR, the Brothers of the Seal had splintered into two opposing factions, the Faithful committed to continuing their vigil, and the Scions determined to break the seal. Tensions between the two had escalated to a stalemate of violent conflict.12


  1. James L. Sutter. “The People” in City of Strangers, 54. Paizo Inc., 2010
  2. James L. Sutter. “Gangs of Kaer Maga” in The Asylum Stone, 61. Paizo Inc., 2012