Jabyl Sorn

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Jabyl Sorn

Source: Burnt Offerings, pg(s). 66 (1E)
Seven Dooms for Sandpoint Player's Guide, pg(s). 24 (2E)

Jabyl Sorn1 is the caretaker of the House of Blue Stones in Sandpoint. A monk devoted to the faith of Irori, Jabyl has tended to the monastery since the death of her father, Enderaki Sorn, in 4700 AR. In her efforts to perfect herself, Jabyl frequently studies in the monastery's vast basement library.234

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  1. Paizo referred to Jabyl Sorn as Sabyl Sorn until Sandpoint, Light of the Lost Coast, which retroactively changed her name. For details, see Meta:Jabyl Sorn.
  2. James Jacobs. Sandpoint” in Burnt Offerings, 66. Paizo Inc., 2007
  3. James Jacobs. Sandpoint” in Sandpoint, Light of the Lost Coast, 26–27. Paizo Inc., 2018
  4. James Jacobs. “Exploring the Town” in Seven Dooms for Sandpoint Player's Guide, 24. Paizo Inc., 2024