Syrzemyan Highlands

From PathfinderWiki

The Syrzemyan Highlands tower over Iobaria and dominate the nation's central regions. Extensive caverns wind their way beneath the highland's many hills, cliffs, and mountains, and many of Iobaria's great rivers surge forth from the uplands. Despite plentiful riches, the highlands have remained largely uninhabited due to dangers such as marauding ogres and bands of cyclopes, goblin hordes, and powerful Azorva centaur tribes.1

The rugged settlers, who maintain well-defended "hutholds" in the Highlands, are few and far between,1 though lone trappers, bounty hunters, and prospectors of all humanoid ancestries are all active in the area. Each village has its own names for the Highlands' mountains, valleys, and regions.[citation needed]





  1. 1.0 1.1 Tim Hitchcock, et al. Stolen Land, 63. Paizo Inc., 2010