4699 AR

From PathfinderWiki
Age of Lost Omens
4694 4695 4696 4697 4698 4699 AR 4700 4701 4702 4703 4704

4699 AR in conflicts

4699 AR in politics

4699 AR in wildlife



  1. Tim Hitchcock, et al. “Welcome to the Pathfinder Society” in Seekers of Secrets, 13. Paizo Inc., 2009
  2. Kate Baker, et al. “Chapter 1: Introduction” in Pathfinder Society Guide, 11. Paizo Inc., 2020
  3. Kate Baker, et al. “Chapter 3: Pathfinder Society Lodges” in Pathfinder Society Guide, 81. Paizo Inc., 2020
  4. Laura-Shay Adams, et al. “History” in The Mwangi Expanse, 18. Paizo Inc., 2021
  5. Adam Daigle. Uringen” in Guide to the River Kingdoms, 67. Paizo Inc., 2010
  6. Erik Mona, et al. “Chapter 2: The Inner Sea” in Campaign Setting, 66. Paizo Inc., 2008
  7. Erik Mona, et al. “Chapter 5: The World” in Campaign Setting, 203. Paizo Inc., 2008
  8. Steven Schend and F. Wesley Schneider. (May 27, 2010). Kingmaker: Iobarian Timeline, Paizo Blog.
  9. Tim Hitchcock, et al. Stolen Land, 64. Paizo Inc., 2010
  10. Erik Mona, et al. Broken Lands” in World Guide, 26. Paizo Inc., 2019
  11. Jason Keeley. “They Watched the Stars” in They Watched the Stars, 4–5. Paizo Inc., 2023
  12. Tim Hitchcock, et al. Stolen Land, 60. Paizo Inc., 2010 The declaration is presented as its in-universe text and might be an unreliable source.
  13. Tim Hitchcock & Jason Nelson. “Gazetteer” in Andoran, Birthplace of Freedom, 5. Paizo Inc., 2015
  14. Mike McArtor. “Chapter 2: Civilization” in Guide to Darkmoon Vale, 34. Paizo Inc., 2008
  15. James L. Sutter. Pathfinder's Journal” in The Hook Mountain Massacre, 87. Paizo Inc., 2007
  16. Mike Shel. “Ecology of the Oni” in The Brinewall Legacy, 68. Paizo Inc., 2011
  17. Lissa Guillet & Amber E. Scott. “A Land Divided” in Lands of Conflict, 5. Paizo Inc., 2017
  18. James Jacobs, et al. “Regions of the Dragon Empires” in Dragon Empires Gazetteer, 17. Paizo Inc., 2011