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↑ Kate Baker , et al . “Chapter 1: Introduction” in Pathfinder Society Guide , 11 . Paizo Inc. , 2020
↑ Kate Baker , et al . “Chapter 3: Pathfinder Society Lodges” in Pathfinder Society Guide , 81 . Paizo Inc. , 2020
↑ Laura-Shay Adams , et al . “History” in The Mwangi Expanse , 18 . Paizo Inc. , 2021
↑ Adam Daigle . “Uringen ” in Guide to the River Kingdoms , 67 . Paizo Inc. , 2010
↑ Erik Mona , et al . “Chapter 2: The Inner Sea” in Campaign Setting , 66 . Paizo Inc. , 2008
↑ Erik Mona , et al . “Chapter 5: The World” in Campaign Setting , 203 . Paizo Inc. , 2008
↑ F. Wesley Schneider & Steven Schend . Kingmaker: Iobarian Timeline . Paizo blog , 2010
↑ Tim Hitchcock , et al . Stolen Land , 64 . Paizo Inc. , 2010
↑ Erik Mona , et al . “Broken Lands ” in World Guide , 26 . Paizo Inc. , 2019
↑ Jason Keeley . “They Watched the Stars” in They Watched the Stars , 4–5 . Paizo Inc. , 2023
↑ Tim Hitchcock , et al . Stolen Land , 60 . Paizo Inc. , 2010 The declaration is presented as its in-universe text and might be an unreliable source.
↑ Tim Hitchcock & Jason Nelson . “Gazetteer” in Andoran, Birthplace of Freedom , 5 . Paizo Inc. , 2015
↑ Mike McArtor . “Chapter 2: Civilization” in Guide to Darkmoon Vale , 34 . Paizo Inc. , 2008
↑ James L. Sutter . “Pathfinder's Journal ” in The Hook Mountain Massacre , 87 . Paizo Inc. , 2007
↑ Mike Shel . “Ecology of the Oni ” in The Brinewall Legacy , 68 . Paizo Inc. , 2011
↑ Lissa Guillet & Amber E. Scott . “A Land Divided” in Lands of Conflict , 5 . Paizo Inc. , 2017
↑ James Jacobs , et al . “Regions of the Dragon Empires” in Dragon Empires Gazetteer , 17 . Paizo Inc. , 2011