Aegos is the larger and more northerly island of the two main islands comprising the Linnorm Kingdom of Broken Bay, the other island being Orthost.1 The capital of Bildt, which boasts the only natural harbour in the region, and the whaling town of Skjoldmur, which also serves as a gateway to Orthost, are both located on the island. Aegos is also surrounded by several smaller, rocky, uninhabited isles.
Aegos is renowned for stormy weather that makes its treacherous coast dangerous to travel. Its coastline is strewn with shipwrecks that lead to Broken Bay being given its name. Aegos is the most civilised of the islands of Broken Bay but its people are tough and warlike, even viewing their fellow countrymen as weak and cowardly. Most people on Aegos live on either the southern or eastern shores. The centre and northwest of the island are cold, forsaken lands roamed mainly by wolves, wargs, and witchwargs.23
- ↑ Lands of the Linnorm Kings, inside front cover. Paizo Inc., 2011 .
- ↑ Prior to the publication of Monster Core, Paizo referred to witchwargs as winter wolves.
- ↑ “The Linnorm Kingdoms” in Lands of the Linnorm Kings, 6. Paizo Inc., 2011 .